
An AI-Powered Search and Recommendation Engine for RPGs

It's not as complicated as we try and make it seem. All we want to do is make people happy. Primarily the work of me, Cat McDonald, a Canadian with a sunny disposition and a real love of the occult.
Heroic Chord - Harmony Jam Special
Sacred Forge
It All Begins Here
Heroic Card
Familiar Unfamiliar
Remarine Playtest
To Swear on Your Honor
Heroic Chord Playtest Package
Blazing Hymn
Dragons of Amylte
Carta SRD
Blazing Hymn Quickstart
It Is Written
Roar to Heaven Backer Set
Blazing Hymn - Rhinestone Revenge
Apex Predator
Into the Glacier
Raising Hell
Headless Guide
Harmony Drive
4/4 Rebellion
Rare Jewel
If you like Rogue 2E check out...
Through The Void   - A Rules Lite Old School Space RPG
The Treasure At The End Of This Dungeon Is An Escape From This Dungeon And We Will Never Escape From This Dungeon   - A kaleidoscopic roguelike dungeon crawl
The Suntouched Tomb   - A tomb bound by nostalgia and indulgence
Raising Hell   - Raise a baby Devil in this solo monster-raising TTRPG!
The Dark Below   - a game for exiles in the dark, where the only way out is through
Saffron   - DOOMCRAWL #1
DRONE: RPG   - A post-apocalypse, post-OSR RPG in which players control mindless drones.
Dungeonbright: an osr rpg   - an osr adventure game built for speed and compatibility
THE MARTIAL CULT of BLOOD KNIGHT GAIUS   - a gothic horror/martial arts OSR adventure
For the Dungeon!   - Play the minions, not the heroes. An improv comedy RPG about the misfortunes of a career in dungeon security.
Hack n Slash   - Pocket-sized Dungeon Crawler TTRPG
Heartseeker   - 2-page OSR adventure game
If you like In The Face Of Our Despair check out...
FANGS - Minimal Vampires   - You are a cotery of Vampires struggling to survive in the shadow world.
Black Skies For Babylon   - The worlds greatest combat tragedy RPG
LIGHT (PWYW Version)   - An RPG of immortal guardians.
Rites of Vengeance - A Solo Wretched & Alone Game   - A solo game about tragedy, trauma, magic and revenge.
Lemongrass   - An Incursion for Jesse Ross' Trophy RPG.
Die, Grave Robber, Die!   - A gothic horror incursion fueled by Trophy Dark!
Equinox -- A Six Elements Game   - A GM-less Role-Playing Game for 1-6 Players
Candlelight   - Journey through the dark forest of the afterlife
The Academy Chrysalis   - An Incursion into Dark Academia
LIGHT Beacon Edition   - Immortal guardians hold back the darkness in this LUMEN power fantasy.
Brinkwood - The Blood of Tyrants - Playtest Kit   - Robin Hood vs. Vampires. Mask up. Spill blood. Drink the Rich.
OMPHALOS   - A Trophy Dark incursion to the center of the universe.
If you like Today's Porridge check out...
The perpetual broth   - A short adventure Pop-Up zine for DURF
BROKEN LUCK - a Troika zine   - rpg zine
KENZIE'S PROJECT   - a 3-player horror game about how academia changes us
In the Shadow of Tower Silveraxe   - Fantasy Roleplaying Adventure Module
The Legend of the Forgotten Ballad   - An ultra-minimalist Sword & Songs RPG
Micromaiden Spirit Grid   - cyber dungeon
The Mutants of Ixx   - Paper-&-pen roleplaying in the mutant apocalypse!
Clans of the Cruft-Scape   - weirdo Troika sword-and-planet setting
Down and Out in Dredgeburg   - You have died and woken up in the city of Dredgeburg, a twisted city of the Underworld!
The Warp Army - Paper Minis   - A print-and-cut-and-fold-and-play paper army!
Penicillin Issue #3   - The third issue of the World's Other Only RPG Zine
Apocalypse World: Burned Over Hackbook   - A zine-sized hack of Apocalypse World